I am Chuma


The hybrid documentary-animation story of Chuma Somdaka, studying business in Cape Town, finds her living rough on a bench for 3 years. She discovers her gift of art in a transformative moment setting in motion an empowering healing journey, but meets new societal challenges in her desire to remain connected to her bliss. (2020)


Directors: Wendy Spinks, Clea Mallinson
Writer: Wendy Spinks
Editor: Clea Mallinson
Cinematographer: Pascale Neuschäfer
Production Company: Zeropoint 528
Colourist: Dwayne de Faria, Madoc Post
Sound Design: Craig Damster, Mother City Audio



“Best Documentary Film Cinematography” – European Cinematography Awards (2021)
“Best Documentary Film Cinematography” – Canadian Cinematography Awards (2021)
“Best Documentary Film” – New York Cinematography Awards (2021)
“Award of Merit” – Best Shorts Competition (2021)


“Semi-Finalist” – Golden Nugget International Film Festival (2021)Indie Short Film Fest (2021)


Venice Shorts (2021), Sheffield Short Film Festival (2021), Annecy (2021), Toronto Film Awards (2021), London Seasonal Short Film Festival (2021), Anibar Animation Festival (2021), Short to the Point (2021), Beeston Film Festival (2021), International Shorts (2021), Global Indie Film Fest (2021), Onyko Film Awards (2021)